As much as we hope our Season Ticket Members attend every single one of the 18 home games included in their package, we recognize that occasionally a sorority sister from college who you haven’t talked to in eight years decides you should be a bridesmaid in her destination wedding, and you just don’t have it in you to say no. On occasions such as this where you find yourself needing to resell your season tickets, we have some helpful tips for how you can get your highest ROI (which, according to the internet, stands for Return on Investment).

1. Fish Where the Fish Are
While you can technically list your tickets on any number of secondary markets, we recommend SeatGeek, our official ticket partner and only fully trusted secondary market. Not only is SeatGeek going to be the most convenient for resale since your tickets are already hosted there, that’s also the spot where you’re going to get the most eyeballs on your tickets since that’s the marketplace we promote to all of our fans.
2. Be An Early Bird
List your tickets early! At least 7-10 days before the game is our recommendation. If you don’t, you might get caught in a situation where a bunch of STMs suddenly remember they have a spoken word poetry jam to attend that night and list their tickets all at once, one hour before the game, causing prices to drop.
3. Embrace the Law of Supply and Demand
As your high school economics teacher once told you, “Something something something…supply and demand.” In our context, that means that while you may have technically paid the same amount for every game in your season ticket package, in reality, that midweek March game against the Wooden Spoon Winners isn’t going to resell for as much as that Saturday game in July against last season’s Supporters Shield winners.
4. Trust the Algorithm
If you fancy yourself a day trader, sure, you can set the price of your ticket listing yourself and check in every day to see how the market is moving. But if you’re like the rest of us, you can just use SeatGeek’s Smart Pricing, which takes into account like a bazillion data points to automatically set and re-price your tickets. Then, you can go play golf or take a pottery class or whatever it is you’re into.
So there you have it. Four sure-fire tips for making the most money you can while investing as little effort as possible. Now if only you could do the same at your day job…
Note - Per your Season Ticket Member Agreement, MNUFC reserves the right to cancel the Season Ticket(s) of any individual who sells more than 50% of their Season Ticket(s).