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1. I’m currently binge watching this …
“I mostly watch soccer. I did just finish the series House on Netflix. It’s quite old, but I saw it in the middle of the night on TV. Just a rerun of one, thought it was interesting and started watching it from start to finish. It’s taken me quite a while to finish it ‘cause I’m not much of a TV guy but that’s one I just recently finished.”
2. One of my pet peeves is …
“People spewing sh*t on social media versus being positive. It’s a pet peeve of mine.”
3. My favorite movie is …
“I’d have to give you a few of them. One would be The Godfather and then Gladiator. I was going to say Rocky as well, the original one.”
4. I started coaching because …
“I was convinced to do it as my career was ending by Sasho Cirovski at the University of Maryland. And it took him almost a full year to do it and I gave him a commitment that I would do it for a year and see how it went… and at the end of that year I was almost embarrassed to admit to say how much I loved it. And I haven’t done anything since. Hooked.”
5. My favorite meal is …
“My favorite meal is my mother’s manicotti. My mom’s is the best, straight off the boat from Napoli and I don’t eat anything else with it. That’s it.”
6. Something that’s on my bucket list …
“To go to Africa … I’m going this offseason. So I am checking that one off. Another thing that is actually on my bucket list is to eventually be a head coach.”
7. The best life advice I have ever received …
“Focus on the positive, or another way of saying that as a mentor of mine has said: always try to catch people being good. Versus picking on the negatives or catching their mistakes.”
8. I’m scared of …
“I do have this ungodly fear of death, to be quite honest. There’s nights where I’ll be in bed and worry about it, and there’s times where I’ll go to church – and I don’t go to church that often – so I think that may be a reason why.”
9. A random skill I have is …
“I played the piano. I can still play a little bit by memory but can’t read music anymore. I’ve lost that piece of it.”
10. I’m proud of myself because …
“I think I have been a pretty good husband and dad. And I think my kids and my wife would probably say the same. I wasn’t sure that marriage was for me years ago, but I have been married for 27 years and have four kids, so.”