1. My biggest fear is …
“Heights. I’m pretty bad with heights.”
2. My go-to music I listen to while I’m driving is …
“Genre is definitely just hip-hop or rap. My favorite artist right now is still Tyler, the Creator. His Igor album was something special.”
3. My daily ritual is …
“I’m starting to get into podcasts and listening to podcasts. That’s probably something that’s every day. I do some yoga and some meditation, but that’s not every day.”
4. I’m proud of myself because …
“Probably graduating from college, I’m pretty proud of. With the GPA I had and graduated with honors in physics. I went to Wake Forest University.”
5. The thing I’m most excited to do now that I’m in Minnesota …
“I definitely want to go for a Timberwolves game, I’m a big basketball guy. I’m a Wizards fan. But I would like to go to a Timberwolves game. I really don’t know much about the city, about the area, so this whole year is going to be about exploration.”
6. I’m motivated to work hard because …
“Hearing basketball stories of Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant, just how hard they religiously worked out and grinded to get where they are is kind of motivating for me. You don’t want to be outworked.”
7. My biggest hero(s) are …
“My parents are my heroes. They’ve taught me a lot and they’re always there for advice. They’ve gotten me this far and I’m just happy to look up to them.”
8. Something on my bucket list …
“I just want to keep traveling the world. I’ve been to a few countries more for soccer, so I kind of want to visit those same countries but more as a tourist. Definitely travel. Nothing in particular like all of the continents or anything like that, just traveling in general.”
9. The best life advice I have ever received …
“It’s probably my dad. He always tells me, ‘Knock out the champ.’ I think it’s applicable to sports, but just in life in general. To get what you want, you have to knock out whoever is on top. Just do your best every day and that will be good enough.”
10. My favorite meal is …
“Probably salmon and rice with some asparagus. That would be a quality meal. I like to cook that! I’m working on my cooking. I like to cook a lot. It’s always tough, you get in a set routine so you start making the same meals over and over again. So I gotta start expanding my horizons with the meals I cook.”